Friday, May 13, 2022

No Cycling Day! Tourists in Budapest


Yes. That's us. On a walking tour. With our matching back packs 🤣


That's the year that it all started. 

And no buildings are allowed to be higher than St. Stephens Basilica, at 96 meters. Makes for some impressive buildings and lovely lines of site. 

So many young people here. Refreshing. 
And all the bustle of a big city with New York envy. 
A long long history of struggles for power, occupation and tragedy. 
The princess overlooking the Danube with the Castle in the background. The first statue post 1989 independence. 
The policemen of the 1800s. 
And impressive parliamentary buildings!!

And the largest synagogue in Europe. 

A tourist day for sure including a ride on the ferris wheel on a lovely warm evening. 

Tomorrow back to pedaling reality! 



  1. Love that photo of you guys on the ferris wheel - such big smiles!

  2. Love the daily posts - keep ‘‘em coming. Btw- did you actually eat McDs or just sit outside of one??
