Sunday, June 23, 2024

June 23 - Day 19 - Tour de Bretagne

We had an easy "Sunday Ride" today, more coastline, more trees, lovely architecture. We said goodbye to our lovely view of Fort la Latte and hit the road.

We have learned to be aware of Sunday store hours. Fewer stores are open, and those that are open, close early. So we headed for the closest town to ensure we got our morning snack and lunch. There was a line up out the door.  

We happily put our pastries in our panniers and climbed out of this busy little beach town. 

But they don't always survive the pannier trip so well, a little flattened, but they still tasted good. 

The houses are still stone, with beautiful stone walls and flowers, but they are more differentiated here, and seem to be quite a bit bigger. 

Today was the warmest day yet, it even felt a bit "muggy" at times as there was very little wind. Which means a few bugs. A good day to keep your mouth closed!  We were thankful for some shaded paths and some rolling hills and long descents. There was a tree top trekking course in this forest too, but we didn't stop for the challenge, we have sore enough muscles already 😉

Chateau du Guildo was on our route. It is just remains but surrounded by lovely restored stone buildings giving an ancient village feeling. It was a very tough climb up from the harbor though. 

Once again we cycled into a bay and back out to a peninsula (presqu'le). And we could see the lighthouse at Cap Frehel again (still)!  A few other fun sites today including a golf course on the coast - French Pebble Beach?

And a windmill.

It always seems to be low tide as we cycle by harbours. I still think the boats look so sad at low tide. 

We are camping in Saint Lunaire tonight. Hiding under the shade of a bush as I write this as the sun is still so hot at 7pm.  The sun doesn't set until after 10 here.  

Strava shows a light day, but still some kms and some meters climbed. 

And we have this to look forward to tomorrow:



  1. Another day of pretty scenery for you - nice. One thing I'm taking away from this blog is that a coastal bike journey makes for a lot of riding up headlands, and down into port towns, then up another headland and down again into the next river mouth settlement/harbour town/port facility. Am I right?

    Hoping for some "pleasantly warm" around here tomorrow too! Seems we haven't had much of that so far this June.

  2. Strava says 35.45 km but boy that red line looks like so much more lol. Wishing you tons of great weather!!!
