Friday, June 14, 2024

June 14 - Day 10 - Tour de Bretagne

The next best thing to an e-bike is a tail wind. We said goodbye (au revoir) to Corzon with the wind at our backs, and chasing a tiny bit of blue sky. 

As we passed through Argol, we stopped for a look at the cathedral dating back to the 1500's. 

From Wikipedia:

The Saint-Pierre-et-Saint-Paul d'Argol church is the parish church of Argol , in the Finistère department in France, built in 1575 within a parish enclosure.

Very old. Very beautiful. There were actually two bus loads of tourists in the little town as they also have a working village celebrating historical customs (like Black Creek Pioneer Village, but older 😉) 

A nice place for second breakfast, among the rolling hills of our day. 

As we left Argol, and the Presqu'ile, we had a 7% descent to the Pont de Térénez.

A very cool bridge that has a curve in it. Usually bridges are straight?

Some facts about this bridge:

The Térénez bridge is a cable-stayed bridge, located between Landévennec and Rosnoën, Finistère, France. It is 515 meters long, and connects Brittany with the Crozon peninsula. It is a fan cable arrangement, with a curved deck, and opened in April 2011. Total cost to build was €35,000,000. 


Note, a very nice, wide, safe bike lane on this one. 

The following two photos are from Google, to show you the curve of the bridge, and what's left of the old bridge. 

Once we crossed the bridge, we were cycling in the Parc naturel régional d'Armorique. Although it doesn't really feel much like a park, with a road through it and a few little towns and farms.

We had a lot of hills today. Many ups and downs. Almost 700 meters over 50 k. It was tiring. At the top of one rather large climb I was really wishing for a wee break when suddenly the rail signals started to flash and a fast train went whizzing by. Thank you French rail system, just what I needed 😄

After all these hills, we made it to Sizun.

Priority one was put up the tent, and good thing we did because the skies opened about 10 minutes later. We have had on and off showers and very high winds since we settled in here. But we are safe and protected from the wind. 

The weather radar for our location below (we are the blue dot). At least it is not red for Thunder showers...yet. We can hear them in the distance. 

An evening huddled in the tent, making and eating our dinner, in the tent, and dashing out between downpours to do the dishes and brush our teeth. We will sleep well tonight (as long as our latest patches on the tent work!). 

Hope you sleep well too. 

Strava stats for the day don't include the climb up to the grocery store, but that's ok, my legs know I did it 😉.


  1. Beautiful bridge! Suspect weather - hope you get through the night dry and comfy

  2. Wow what a good looking bridge, oh boy 700 meters in 50k , yeah your legs definitely are telling you something, too bad they can't talk cause I know exactly what they would say. Can't repeat tho, this is a general audience plateforme, I don't want to get Blocked lol

  3. Woza, thats a lot of elevation over 52k with all that extra weight. Not that I'm suggesting your gaining any weight with all the pastries, bread, cheese, booze etc :)
