Thursday, January 16, 2025

Mont Ste Anne. Double digit cold

Getting dressed to go skiing means multiple weather app are open. "What's the temperature? What's the wind chill? Is there sun?.." And the apps don't always agree.  

Today we were seeing -13 on the thermometer at our door, the coldest morning yet, so we got our warmest combinations on. Best socks, multiple wool layers, head coverings. We were ready, and yet it wasn't so bad. Very little wind helps, and some brightness in the sky. Another lovely day of skiing.

The creek looked like a cold plunge, but I wasn't quite up for that today. 

The words of John Muir are often on my mind as I ski, and as I rested on the bridge I couldn't help but look at the two pines and think "between every two pines there is a doorway to a new world".

So many doorways ...

No new snow today but the cold temperatures and the lack of wind kept the snow on the trees and the beautiful art of mother nature. 

The trails were so quiet today, we just kept skiing, and I made up my own trail of a combination of 3 of my favourites 

Apres ski, we explored Beaupre a little, looking for a shoe maker. Marc's pole straps need some help. 

The church is spectacular. The little town old main road is narrow and winding (no photos, I was driving), and the old Habitant houses are right up against the road. Quite like France really. 

But the shoe repair guy is not in Beaupre, he is in Joachim. Up up up, we had to climb, and then down a steep and winding mountain road with a 19% grade. Wow. Thankfully the roads are clear today, that would be a tough drive (and an even tougher cycle!).  Poles repaired. While we waited. $22. With the bonus of meeting a very nice local artisan. 

We are bracing for some very cold weather to come. But for now we are keeping warm and relaxing.  

A special happy birthday to Nadia today! 60.years wonderful. 

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