Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Mont Ste Anne Day 4 Snow Falling in Cedars

We had to brush off a few inches of snow. The car was cold and buried as we trudged out this morning. But snow on the car also means beauty on the trails.

It doesn't get much more beautiful than a fresh snowfall in the woods, or on this little pond with bullrushes. 

I could hardly make myself keep skiing. I just wanted to stop at every turn, to capture the beauty. 

Trail 31, a blue trail, takes you through diverse forests, I truly wish I could name all of the species. Definitely on my list of deeper learning this year. 

The blue run, being slightly more challenging than the greens, has some lovely rolling hills, and a few a little more than rolling. 

As I stopped to catch my breath and prepare for the hill, a squirrel was really chatty. I mean super chatty. I think she was worried about me going down that hill 😳

Being Tuesday the trails were very quiet, so I felt happy for some conversation.  I made the descent and the sharp turn at the bottom.  Whew 

Around the next corner I did hear another skier behind me. He seemed to be yelling something. He caught up with me, quickly...

So fun to cross paths (or cross trails I guess I should say) as we don't ski together.  

These past few days I have been skiing while listening to an audiobook, Finding The Mother Tree by Suzanne Simard. What a perfect way to enjoy her book. And she is the narrator, so I feel like she skied with me and taught me so much. 

Marc and I don't ski together, but we do our chores together. This afternoon, after skiing and heading back for some soup, we returned to the main chalet, St Julien, for waxing and laundry... 

The main chalet (Accueil) has a fireplace, a little cafe great waxing tables, and laundry machines. So convenient! Now we have clean skis and clean clothes! What a day. 

Chores were followed by some work and tax prep, an online meeting for Marc and some pure relaxation.

On Strava I tracked almost 15 more kilometers, and another trail. There are still so many kilometers to explore here.

And into the forest I go, 
to lose my mind, 
and find my soul. 
John Muir 

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