Sunday, January 12, 2025

Mont Ste Anne Day 2 Jan 12

Finding The Mother Tree

As I skied today, I was listening to the book Finding The Mother Tree by Suzanne Simard. What a perfect way to listen to this book, surrounded by forest, alongside a stream, and enjoying the beauty of it all. 

Trail 11 starts with a climb, which was good because it was cold and I needed to warm up. 

The special treat along Trail 11 is the dogs. The dog sledding dogs were quiet today, cuddled up and resting.  (Secrets Nordiques) 

Taking trail 12 down to the stream gives you the company of running water, with lots of ice and beautiful ice forms. Riviere Jean-Larose 

We don't see much wildlife, as everyone is likely sleeping in a warm shelter but today a little squirrel was very hungry and came out to say hello. 

As I listened to the book she told the story of a run in with a grizzly bear she once had, in BC (she was fine) but just as the story was unfolding suddenly a skate-skier came whizzing by me 😳

I practically jumped out of my boots!  Haha. He must have thought I was some crazy woman classic skiing in the set path. He skated by with a friendly "bon jour" and luckily I didn't have any bear spray 😋

I did the turn around at the bridge (Pont Delisle) and a little snow started to fall for my return. 

Marc climbed the Montee Saint-Hilaire up to the challenging black diamond trails and the warming hut. Climbing for well over an hour. The run back down was a super fast 6.5 kms - wow was he cold when he arrived back at the St Julien. 

Another lovely day on the trails.

Leave us a comment or a question if you have any. 

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