Friday, January 24, 2025

Mont Ste Anne. Final Day. FIN

That's a wrap 

Final day of skiing and enjoying Saint Ferreol Les Neiges.

We bought our final trail tickets from Monique (our favourite) and wished her a Bonne Annee! See you next year. 

No new snow, but not much wind means Mother Nature is still doing her snow art with the trees. 

Snowman trees. 

And cute little trees wrapped in snow blankets. 

And snow pillows. 

Nadia and I skied across the hydro lines (not as cold today so we could take a photo).

And onto trails 31 + 35. Two of my favorites.

Me. And my tree. 

Our final day, our final run...

But before we packed up our skis for the drive home, we waxed, using the waxing table and irons provided. And feeling very happy to take care of our gear. 

Celebrating our 200+ kms of skiing over our stay, we enjoyed some Quebecoise cuisine at the famous Shack a Patates. 

Poutine (Mexican poutine!) and hot dogs in top cut buns.

And of course. Patates!!

And that's a wrap for another year.


Wednesday, January 22, 2025

Mont Ste Anne. 22 for 22

Another cold one. Indeed just as cold as yesterday with the car reading -21. But the sun was out and the wind was not so it warmed a little each hour. 

Knowing the end of our visit is near I wanted to really take in the trails and talk to the trees and enjoy the forest shower. So I skied and I skied and I skied.  And Strava even gave me a little medal 😎

It was really hard to stop and take photos. Moving in the cold is one thing, but standing still 🥶

As I passed the dogs, they were singing in a chorus. It was a moving sound. A little mournful but also heartwarming. They howl over each other and each have their own "tune". 

The trails were quiet. Only one skier passed me in the hours I was out. Quiet and crunchy, freshly groomed and serene. Such a beautiful way to spend a morning. 

The creek was practically covered over with all the cold and the snow. I missed the chance to take a photo of the water sparkling in the sunshine. 

I love snow on trees. On all trees. I love when one full side of the trunk is covered (prevailing wind?) and the art of the branches with snow stacked high, balancing...

These little trees looked like they were playing in the clearing. I felt like they were having fun. 

And every time I ski by these trees I feel like the big bad wolf is going to "huff and puff and blow them all down" 

I just didn't want to come in today. But I did. Eventually. Exhausted. 

After some work and some rest we went for a lovely Italian meal with Nadia. The birthday celebrations have not stopped. Why would they!? 


Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Mont Ste Anne. Jan 21. Minus 21

Yes. It is cold now. As we waited for the windshield to defrost the dashboard read -21 outside. 

It was so cold that Nadia's driver side window was stuck OPEN after she paid for her ski ticket. So we had to park in the sun, wrap the door in a blanket and then let the car heat and the green house effect of the sun thaw out the frozen window/door. We waited inside the chalet by the fire and in 10 minutes the door warmed enough and we could close it up and start our day. 

As they say, "there is no bad weather just bad clothing", so we put on our warmest layers (and layers) and set out.  

And found a hill to climb as soon as we could! 

La Harvey, named in honour of the gold medalist, is the trail we chose today. 

It is a great long trail, with rolling hills and it passes by the St Nicholas warming hut. 

Up to the St Nicholas we climbed, and then around and up some more to enjoy Mont Ferreol.

We didn't stop often and we didn't take many photos, because stopping and taking photos can be a very chilly undertaking. 

But when two trees are hugging, you have to stop and take a photo - I call this one "pine hugging birch" ❤️ (or maybe they are playing hide and seek?).

I only saw one wee "wild animal" today, a tiny mouse (or mole?) scurried across the trail and then disappeared in the tiniest hole in the snow.  So cute. 

We also only saw one other skier.  He came up behind us and exclaimed that we were very brave to be our there today. We practically jumped out of our boots because we were not expecting anyone. 

He was right. We were brave. The wind chill when the trail crossed the hydro lines was the kind of cold that makes your eyes water and then freezes your tears. Ouch. And the wind was pushing the snow into the set tracks making the going slow. 

But we loved every kilometer.

Our apres ski included a quick trip to IGA and then a nice relaxing evening, feet up and heating pad soothing tired muscles. 

The sun setting over the St Lawrence with Mont Ste Anne (downhill) night skiing lights on the right. 

And another day ends. Good night all .

Monday, January 20, 2025

Mont Ste Anne. Day 10. Nadia!

Yes it was as cold as predicted. -16 when we hit the trail. But the upside of -16 is that no one else comes to ski 😉. We were first on the freshly groomed trail 11, strategically starting with a good climb and a hello to the dogs. 

The sky was blue and there was very little wind, so we didn't mind the reported temperature. Once you a climb a hill or two, you are warm from the core and that's all that counts. 

Crunch crunch crunch we went as the snow was so fresh and the air so cold. The trail was mostly in shadow but the sun on the trees was stunning. 

We literally had the trail to ourselves...

Until we didn't...

But we didn't mind sharing. 

We took 11 to 12. And 12 down to 13 and skied out along the stream to discover that even trail 14 is open today, but not groomed for classic skiing so we didn't venture too far along 14 before turning back.


On the run into the Chalet a couple was stopped ahead on the trail so I slowed. And they jumped a little and then pointed as a cute little white animal scampered across the trail. She was far too fast and too small to get a photo but she was clearly a cute little mink. This is what she looked like, all white with a little brown tip in her tail.  (Photo from Google). 

As the morning progressed into midday, the wind picked up a bit and the pretty trees 

Turned into snow flurry makers. Not a cloud in the sky but there were some white outs of the trails as the snow was shaken from the heavily laden tree branches. 

Blue sky and fresh snow and it is hard to put the camera away, even when your fingers are freezing. 

Ten days in a row of skiing. Feeling so lucky to be here enjoying this great sport and this beautiful place. 

We hosted a party tonight. Yes, with all the people we know in Saint Ferreol Les Neiges. Well, technically with BOTH the people we know 😀

We invited Andre and Carole over for drinks and snacks, and along with Nadia we had a real little air BNB party happening, complete with awkward mismatched bowls and glassware. It was nice to catch up with them and hear about their trip with their 11 year old twin grand children to Ottawa. They explored 6 different museums. Impressive. 

It was a nice way to end the day and share some laughter, share ski stories and get some local Intel. 

The thermometer at our door is currently reading -23 so we are thinking we don't need to be first on the trails tomorrow, hoping the temperature will rise with the sun.