Friday, July 26, 2024

Manitoulin Island - Day 4 (final day)

Today our route took us from Providence Bay back north across the island into Gore Bay and then into Kagawong to complete our loop. 200+ km 4 days and every kind of weather. 

The ride today was farms and fields, woods and rock. Very pretty scenery, and then often scruffy northern Ontario. 

And pure blue sky all day long. 

We did 40 k to get to Gore Bay for lunch, to find a street festival and "The Codmother" restaurant.  Lunch was chicken pot pie soup and club sandwiches. And coleslaw. Every meal seems to involve coleslaw here. 

We had been told that we would see plenty of deer here. But we didn't see any at lunchtime...

The last 25 k of the trip took us home to Kagawong, with the final 10 a straight shot on the side of the hwy. A tail wind helped, it was quite an impressive finish, deserving of the celebratory ice cream stop.

There were some flat out tough stretches today, but the roads remained smooth and the drivers remained patient and the 4 of us are a good team. 

We drove back to Gore Bay for dinner and we found the deer! I stopped counting after seeing 7 on the way in and out of the restaurant. And on the drive home we avoided the deer and found the lovely views of the Bay. 

We are happy to have such great touring friends who we can sing and laugh with, while we ride and camp and enjoy this beautiful province.

Thanks for following along on our adventure.

Best photo of the trip...

"Honey, I shrunk the men" 

1 comment:

  1. Wow- just catching up on the blog - a few days all at once. You really had all kinds of weather and impressive rain prep as always. Sounds like an awesome ride with all the fixings ( wildlife, weather, great pics, gravel, locals, ice cream, fish& chips, etc). Interested to know if Marc takes part in the singing????
